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Bill A476 Provide standards for election and recall of officers...

Bill A476 (formerly A5239)

Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  JOE DANIELSEN

District 17 (Middlesex and Somerset)


  Provides standards for election and recall of officers for associations of planned real estate developments and restricts certain expenditures.


     This bill establishes fair standards for the election and recall of executive board members of common interest communities and requires association member approval for certain expenditures.

     The bill would require associations to hold elections at two-year intervals under the administration of an independent election committee of association members who are neither current executive board members nor candidates for the executive board and would restrict the maximum terms of executive board members to two years.  The bill would also limit the size of executive boards to three members for communities comprised of less than 11 homes, provide a default size of five members for the executive boards of all other communities unless the bylaws provide otherwise, and extend the election provisions of the "Planned Real Estate Development Full Disclosure Act," P.L.1977, c.419 (C.45:22A-21 et seq.) to include associations with less than 50 units.  Further, the bill would clarify an association’s election notice obligations by requiring two written notices of an election: the first, to notify members of the election, election rules, and to allow for nominations and interested candidate applications; the second, to provide association members with the official list of candidates, election information, and absentee and proxy ballots.  An association would be required to be send the first notice no later than 60 days prior to the election and the second no more than 30 nor less than 14 days prior to the election.

NJHOAHELP advocates in favor of this bill. This post just shows the reasons why CAI is opposed to it. We welcome those who wish to respond as to why they believe the arguments by CAI are pointless.

Opposition to Bill A5239 by CAI (Community Associations Institute)

Legislative Update: April 2023

Legislative Update: April 2023 from CAI

Assembly Bill A5239 was introduced by Assembly Joe Danielson, District 17 (Middlesex and Somerset) on February 27, 2023. The bill is an existential threat to the proper functioning of common interest communities (CICs) and has now become one of our top priorities to defeat.

The bill has several horrific features including, without limitation:
1. It requires that elections be conducted and overseen by three association members who are to be randomly selected at least 120 days in advance of the election. These random unelected owners would function independently of the board and would be authorized to expend association funds in connection with the election in whatever manner they deem fit. This three-person randomly selected election committee would have sole jurisdiction to resolve and report any claims of vote tampering
or fraud in the election.

The aforementioned scheme would, for obvious reasons, be a recipe for disaster and would cede control from the elected board to unelected, random owners who may not have any appropriate qualifications, and who may be wholly unsuited to the role.

2. It provides that a meeting to remove a director can be called through a petition of only 10% of Association members and that the recall vote shall be successful if the majority of a quorum, not a majority of all owners.

This provision would enable small minorities of owners to force expensive and unnecessary recall votes. In addition, it would permit duly elected directors to potentially be removed by a small minority of owners.

3. The bill would require the approval of a majority of all owners in good standing to authorize any spending over $100,000 except in cases of emergency or when said expenditures are required by law (with a number of additional ridiculous requirements).

It would also require that any maintenance fee increase in excess of the Consumer Price Index to be approved by a majority of all unit owners in good standing.

If enacted, this provision would cause much CIC business to grind to a complete halt, especially in larger CICs that routinely make significant expenditures to perform repairs, make payroll, and deal with other expenses.

Of course, this provision would also raise the specter of necessary and critical repairs not being performed and would likely lead to more building and balcony collapses and other terrible consequences.

While the bill purports to be in support of principles of democratic fairness, its absurd election committee requirement would have the opposite result. In addition, it would bog CICs, especially larger associations, down with endless, expensive votes.

We will make every effort to defeat this legislation. We urge you to contact your elected representatives to express your opposition to it.



Why is this 'OPPOSITION' to the Bill A5239 by CAIposted here pm NJHOAHEP site?  Please comment as to why nothing posted about this lawyer Earle and statement that WE are to contact to stop for cause presented?  It is my understanding that this Bill was a GOOD and better solution to the common problems with HOA members have with abuse and to discuss HOW TO STOP these lawyers?  Very confusing to see this post was allowed and that there is NO RESPONSE.  Just saying . . .

This was posted to merely show what the "other side" is saying about why this bill shouldn't be approved.  I think it's imperative to understand the particulars as to why the CAI is against this pending legislation. I will edit the original post to make that more clear. I apologize for the confusion.

Margaret has reacted to this post.
Quote from NJ HOA Info on November 17, 2023, 12:53 pm

This was posted to merely show what the "other side" is saying about why this bill shouldn't be approved.  I think it's imperative to understand the particulars as to why the CAI is against this pending legislation. I will edit the original post to make that more clear. I apologize for the confusion.

Thank you for clearing up my reaction to the post and confusion. I am getting no help anywhere with the fact that my HOA manager and attorney avoided for another year, compliance with anything without repurcussions. The silence is deafening.  Even the former DCA responce is to 'shut up' and turn the other cheek.

I would like to know if any progress has been made on the Radburn and if opposition by CAI has won and delayed a pass. I am wondering if we should consider finding a strong advocate to host a Podcast to really put up a fight against the evil acts I see first hand. The HOA environment is poison to freedom and the American dreams of home ownership. Even my Face page (especially Florida) is inundated with complaints but no solutions. What do we do next? Is there a plan?  I'm in it to win it but need answers. GOD Bless us all.

NJ HOA Info has reacted to this post.

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